Thursday, December 10, 2009

All I Need Is A Light

Now all we need is a lighter and a few bottles of beer

Along with biting your nails and checking out ladies in short shorts and skirts, quitting cigarettes is one of the hardest things in the world. But hey, I didn't say it was impossible. You just need enough willpower, motivation, the right support group and a new addiction to get into.

This photo was taken last June 2008 at my former office's workstation using a Nikon D40x with its standard 18-55mm kit lens.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Long Way To There

The Walk of Solitude

Solitude is never fun, especially when you're walking the length of the Baywalk in Roxas Boulevard. The same goes for everything you do in this life. Remember that doing something as mundane as walking is definitely better with someone.

This was taken last December 2008 when I suddenly had the urge to skip work.Bought my Nikon and just took pictures with the heat of sun as my only companion.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Wheel OF Awesomeness

"The world will keep on spinning no matter what. What you should be afraid of is when it stops."

Carousels are mean to be fun. They're made for people to get on them and see the world in a different view and in all its glory. But seeing it from way below is another story.

Snapped this photo way back last December 2008 at the Star City in Manila with my Nikon D40x. Edited the contrast, tweaked the clarity a little bit and sharpened little details out with the help of Adobe Photoshop Light Room 2.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomorrow Is On Its Way


"There will always be a tomorrow"

I snapped this picture of the sunrise at some beach in Batangas last May 2008. And as I look back at it, I'm realizing that no matter how bad yesterday was or how crappy your day was today, there'll always be a new one waiting for you tomorrow. 

Monday, September 14, 2009

Down The Hall

"It all begins with one small step"

This hallway has been a silent witness over the years at the second floor of some building inside the Philippine Normal University in Manila. Plus, this hallway also serves as a bridge between a student and his/her dream of becoming an educator.

But just like any other dream, it all depends if you're brave enough to take that one small step.